Immediate Support
On Campus Support
Off Campus Support
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger or need urgent medical attention, please call 911.
9-8-8 Suicide Crisis Helpline
Phone and text services available 24/7/365
Call or text 988 to be connected
Languages: English and French
Click here for more information.
New Brunswick Lawyers' Assistance Program (NBLAP)
Phone line available 24/7/365
Call 1-888-315-2244
The Lawyers' Assistance Program (NBLAP) is a confidential service provided by the New Brunswick Branch of the Canadian Bar Association. It offers counselling, coaching, and support to respond to any circumstance that affects your health, well-being and professional life. Services are available in person, by telephone or online at no cost to you. Appointments can be made quickly and locally, with your convenience in mind.
The NBLAP is available to UNB Law students and their families.
Click here for more information.
Sexual Violence New Brunswick
Sexual Violence New Brunswick provides a safe and supportive space for survivors of sexual assault and sexual abuse. They offer both individual and group counselling to survivors of sexual violence.
In addition to our counselling services, they offer a sexual violence support line that is staffed by well-trained volunteers.
Chat or call support line is available from 5PM - 8AM, 7 days a week.
Click here for more information.
Nat Perry (Wellness Advisor)
Room 214A in the Law School
P: 506-452-6308
As the Wellness Advisor for the Faculty of Law, Nat Perry facilitates workshops and learning activities that promote student wellness and offers one-on-one coaching and support for law students facing challenges in their personal and academic lives.
Appointments are available Monday to Friday from 8:30AM - 5PM.
Click here to book.
UNB Counselling Services
CC Jones 2nd Floor
P: 506-453-4820
UNB Counselling Services offers free and confidential support services to full- and part-time UNB and STU students. If you feel like you need some support you can book an Initial Consultation appointment.
UNB's team of Counsellors, Doctoral & Masters-level interns use a number of different approaches to help students. When you meet with a member of the team for an initial consultation, one of the goals for the session will be to help you create a treatment plan that will meet your needs.
Some treatment options include:
Referral and assistance in accessing other campus and community resources
Self-directed resources like apps, websites or books
Supported online psycho-education and self-study (Therapist Assisted Online)
Group counselling
Short term individual counselling
Make an appointment:
Drop by the office, located on the 2nd Floor of the CC Jones Student Services Centre.
Open Monday-Friday from 8:15AM - 4:30PM from September-May and 8:00AM - 4:00PM from May-August.
Or call 506-453-4820
You'll be asked to complete some questionnaires on the computer and sign an Informed Consent. This can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes. Once this is completed, you will be scheduled for an Initial Consultation, typically within 2 days.
Click here for more information.
UNB Student Accessibility Centre
Room 212, Marshall d'Avray Hall.
P: 506-453-3515
You can make an appointment online.
They serve students with a wide variety of disabilities or illnesses. For example, ADD/ADHD, a learning disability, a mental health condition or disorder, a physical disability, difficulty hearing or seeing, Autism, a chronic illness, or a temporary illness or disability.
Your disability must be documented in order to register with the Centre and receive accommodation.
Once documented, you can register with the Accessibility Centre for the accommodation you may require. For example, a note taker, extra time for tests, extra time for assignments, writing tests in the Centre, or exam deferral.
The following services are provided on campus for UNB students:
Guidance, support, advocacy and advice from staff
Arrangements for instructional, classroom, and test/examination accommodations
Learning strategist support
Assistance with Canada Student Grant for Students with Permanent Disabilities applications (for qualifying students)
Transition and mentoring support
Referrals to on-campus or community-based services such as counselling, psychological assessment services, writing/study skills, financial aid or health services
Collaboration and consultation with faculty, staff, and students about disability-related issues
Assistive technology assessment, training and support.
UNB Law Mental Health Ombudspersons
Two students are elected to the LSS Council, who advocate for fair treatment of all students and address mental health complaints.
Students are free to reach out by email with any questions, concerns or suggestions
Please see the current Ombudspersons here.
Other On-Campus Resources
Ntulsonawt Wellness Centre
Campus Sexual Assault Support Advocate
Mental Health Strategist
Student Health Centre
Writing and Study Skills Centre
Campus Wellness Committee
Qmunity (LGBTQ+ group)
SLIC (Student Legal Information Centre)
Family Enrichment and Counselling Services
1-356 Queen St, Fredericton NB
P: 506-458-8211
Providing counselling services, educational programs, and mediation in Fredericton and surrounding area.
Click here for more information.
Chimo Helpline
Provincial Crisis phone service that provides confidential crisis intervention to all residents of NB. The name Chimo comes from the Inuktitut word for friend. This helpline aims to provide a caring and compassionate intervention through active listening. Problem solving, community resources and suicide intervention.
Chimo interveners are trained to assist individuals with problem solving issues such as emotional distress, anxiety, loneliness, general information/resources, relationships, depression, mental health, and thoughts of suicide. Interveners cannot counsel of give advice but will offer support, help the caller problem solve and refer individuals to the appropriate resources within their community.
P: 1-800-667-5005
Services offered in French and English.
Services operate 24/7/365.
Live Chat option available daily from 5PM - Midnight.
Mobile Crisis Units
Addiction and mental health social workers and/or nurses provide timely and well-coordinated responses to people who are experiencing a mental health crisis and who require assessment or intervention in the community.
Mobile Crisis Units provide interventions to defuse situations in the community to individuals and families outside of the usual hours of operations including evenings and weekends.
Assessment and crisis intervention occur in the person’s own environment or the environment of their choice.
Crisis line (12PM - 10PM): 506-453-2132
Hours of operation: 12PM - 10PM, 7 days a week.
Click here for more information.
New Brunswick Addition and Mental Health Helpline
P: 1-866-355-5550
Lines open 24/7
Click here for more information.
Crossroads for Women
Helping women and children transition from crisis to empowerment by providing safe housing, education, and one-on-one support.
Shelter located in Moncton.
Crisis line available 24/7/365.
Call or text: 506-853-0811
Call toll free: 1-844-853-0811
Click here for more information.
Get Help with Family Violence
Click here for the Government of Canada webpage that offers information about how to access help with family violence.
New Brunswick:
Fredericton Sexual Assault Crisis Centre: 506-454-0437
Sexually Transmitted Infection Information Hotline: 1-877-784-1010
CHIMO Crisis Hotline: 1-800-667-5005
Tele-Care (health): 1-800-244-8353 or 811
AIDS NB Hotline: 1-800-561-4009
Women in Transition Shelter: 506-459-2300
Gignoo Transition House (First Nations): 1-800-565-6878
Gambling Information Hotline: 1-800-461-1234
Kids Help Phone: 1-800-668-6868
National Abortion Federation (info for all options): 1-800-772-9100
Nation Eating Disorder Information Centre Hotline: 1-866-633-4220