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About the LSS

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The Law Students' Society (LSS) is a vital forum of discussion.


The LSS representatives sit on various committees, including Faculty Council. The LSS is also responsible for setting policy and rendering decisions that have a significant impact on the life of UNB Law students. 


The LSS also supports a range of student clubs and societies, social functions, and athletic activities to provide the student body with rewarding opportunities to get involved in the UNB Law community.

All UNB Law students are members of the LSS. Each year of study is represented on LSS Council and Faculty Council. LSS Council is overseen by the LSS Executive, which is comprised of four student members: the President, Vice President, Vice President of Finance, and First Year (1L) Executive Representative.

Meeting Minutes

LSS Council meets on a monthly basis to discuss important issues affecting students. Every member of the LSS (all UNB Law students) are welcome to attend these meetings.

Meetings are presided over by the Chair of the LSS, whose work allows meetings to proceed smoothly. The First Year Representative takes minutes of the meeting, keeping a record of the discussion and decisions rendered for current and future law students.


Student Fees

The LSS collects a $60 Law Student Society Fee from each student at UNB Law in September of each year. This fee is put into the general LSS budget, which is then allocated to different groups and organizations throughout the LSS (clubs and societies, for example) who in turn host meetings and events that enrich our UNB Law community.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the LSS?

The Law Students' Society (LSS) is student government body at UNB Law. The purpose of this society is first and foremost to represent the interests of its members- law students. This involves a host of activities, including promoting the Faculty of Law within the greater UNB Community and beyond. The LSS is also responsible for organizing the social activities at UNB Law, which includes Orientation Week and events such as Law Week and Law Ball.

What is the LSS Executive?

There are four members of the LSS Executive, who meet at least weekly. The Executive is composed of the President, Vice President, Vice President Finance, and First Year (1L) Executive. Having an effective Executive requires substantial cooperation between members.

What is the LSS Council?

The LSS Council is the governing body at UNB Law which meets monthly to discuss issues affecting law students at UNB. The Council is composed of the following members:

  • LSS Executive

  • Two LSS Representatives from both second and third Year

  • One LSS Representative from each first year section

  • One Faculty Representative from each year 

What are the duties of the LSS President?

The role of the LSS President is to oversee the affairs of the LSS. This includes representing UNB Law both within the university as well as externally. The LSS President typically meets with the Dean every week to discuss any emerging uses, and to decide any actions which need to be taken. The LSS President is also an ex officio member of Faculty Council.

What are the duties of the Vice President?

The role of the Vice President is generally responsible for communications and to manage and co-ordinate clubs and societies, orientation committee and intramurals. The Vice President is also responsible for lounge operations, and LSS communications.

What are the duties of the Vice President Finance and Operations?

The role of the VP Finance and Operations is to manage the finances of the LSS. This includes maintaining the deposit accounts of the Society, disbursing all funds, maintaining financial records. The VP Finance and Operations is also responsible for preparing and presenting Financial Statements twice a year, and oversees a number of LSS agents and committees, including the Social Committee.

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